
3 days of emergency lesson plans for my classes.

Much appreciation to the substitute teacher who is supporting my classes at this time.

You will find a schedule and class rosters in the classroom (clipboard).  Please record attendance/tardiness on a piece of paper, then submit to the attendance secretary at the end of day.

Day 1:

All Chinese students should work on their current lesson packets.  If/when they have completed their lesson packets fully, they should make a 4-column list of vocabulary from the most recent lesson.  The list should include: word in English - word in pinyin - word in characters - word in characters again.  The list should written by hand on the students' own paper.  It should be neatly constructed and will be evaluated as daily work.  Please have students turn their work in to you at the end of the period.

Day 2:

Chinese students should use technology (their own, or the classroom computer) to access this website on Chinese geography terminology.  Students should take notes on new vocabulary and ideas.  They should take care to organize their notes in a logical way.  As always, the notes should be neatly constructed.  Finally, students should write 5-10 sentences about Chinese geography.  They may write in Chinese or a combination of Chinese/English, according to their level.  Students may help each other on this task... in a constructive way.  The class should have a variety of good sentences / facts to share with me when I return.  This is part 1 of the students' assignment.

Part 2 of the assignment is a report on a particular province.  Students may choose a province to research from the links below.  Again, a page of 5-10 "most important facts" should be prepared by each student individually.  Students should write in English or Chinese, as appropriate to their level.

1.) SiChuan Province
2.) HeiLongJiang Province
3.) GanSu Province
4.) ZheJiang Province
5.) ShaAnXi Province
6.) YunNan Province

Again, all work should be organized and turned in with student names.

Day 3:

This plan is sure to make for a more exciting day... some extra classroom management will be helpful.  Today is a culture day.  Students will conduct a visual discovery of contemporary China.  The source of the visual discovery will be this website of photostories from the World of Chinese magazine.  Students should gather several sheets of blank paper (get from the copy room), and fold each paper in half.  Then, as you look at the photostories, students should choose one image from each story to draw themselves.  To clarify, the class should view a photostory.  Then they should choose (together as a class) one picture from to draw.  They should take time to draw in detail.  Then the class should move on to another photostory.   Along the way it would be great to foster some discussions about curiosities, similarities, differences, symbols, etc. At the end of class, students should staple their work (a collection of pictures), sign their name, and submit to you the teacher.