Course Documents:
Course BLOG: CHSZhongWen3
The Chinese 3s are back for another year of study. I'm feeling so honored and excited for this opportunity to work with them again!
Chinese 3 will be an interesting year, as we go back through the basics at rapid speed. Our curriculum will be based in the popular university-level Chinese program Integrated Chinese.
The plan is to move through Level 1, Parts 1 and 2. That means we start at the very beginning, but we'll be moving through fast. It's my hope that this approach will help cement key vocabulary and sentence patterns in the students' long-term memory, while standardizing their knowledge-base.
Ancient China is the cultural focus of this year's course: dynastic rule, philosophy and religion, and folklore.
Chinese 3 students will finish this course either ready to join an intermediate-level university Chinese course, or to participate in CHS's AP Chinese course.